Further Reading

Thursday, 18 October 2018

“Smart” meters are wildly inaccurate: Study finds that readings can be 581% higher than actual use

Natural News: A smart meter is an electronic device that records the amount of electricity consumed by a household and then relays that information to the electricity supply company for monitoring and billing. That might sound like a really smart, energy-efficient idea, but despite their intelligent-sounding name, “smart” meters are actually a really dumb idea – not to mention dangerous.

The electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by these devices have been linked to a variety of health problems, including headaches, fatigue, digestive issues and sleeping problems. There is also evidence that EMFs cause more serious conditions like autoimmune disorders and certain types of cancer. And, as if that wasn’t enough reason to refuse to have one of these devices in your home, research has found that they aren’t even accurate! Not only do they put your family’s health at risk, but they may be ripping you off financially at the same time....read more>>>...