Further Reading

Saturday 27 October 2018

The Very Nature Of Consciousness

It is clearly possible to commute 'inter-dimensionally' or between dimensional frequencies by way of D.T.T's. The two aspects of consciousness exist as part of the same 'mind field'. 

By finding the right unique consciousness signature, it is possible to literally tune into another aspect of The One and pass forth telepathic impressions. Basically, communicate with a spark of infinity that exists on a dimension different to your own.

No matter where conscious awareness finds itself, it is never separated from all other aspects of itself, and all other shards of The One. No matter what dogma is taught, on whatever dimension; no matter what electronic restraints are implemented; no matter who much genetic tampering occurs; the ability for consciousness to keep track of other parts of itself cannot be denied. 

The tampering and alterations are only taking place with the physical forms the consciousness finds itself requiring to witness whatever dimension it finds itself on. The tampering does not work on consciousness itself. Consciousness exists outside of these fantasy fields. Dimensional fields appear to be virtual realities, in which infinite consciousness doesn't reside. Attempts to bring into one of these dimensional fields look to be doomed to failure. Thoughts cannot contain the mind field because the mind field exists outside of the sound vibration waveforms of physical dimensions.

Low level understanding comprehends the D.T.T's as 'mediumship' or 'clairvoyance' or 'psychic ability'. However, that is not the full story, or even the true comprehension. True D.T.T communications cannot be taught or developed. They are inherent in all consciousness and require a certain vibrational frequency to be reached, heard and understood. Low level understanding comprehend these mind voices are 'guides' or 'ascended masters'. They are not! That is a dangerous misconception that can do more harm than good.

D.T.T's are nature; are inherent in all consciousness ... they just are and will always be. The very nature of consciousness is thoughts, and telepathy. D.T.T's are part of consciousness, the mind field and inherent in everything that is non-artificial life.