Further Reading

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

They Are The Polar Opposite To True Magic

copyright Matthew James
True magic has no boundaries; its true practitioners don't have territories that exclude other practitioners. True magic is not for profit or for popularity. 

True magic is all about being and appreciating that all things are one. When that awareness, that state of mind, is attained then anything is possible. For the frequency of existence is recognised and so are the frequencies that create the sound waveforms of all things. 

Sadly, so many that claim 'love and light', and profess to being magical, or psychic, or a light worker, are anything but true practitioners. Many are so corrosive to that cause, they define boundaries around themselves; they exclude others and defile the pathway of others. They are only for themselves.

And in being like that, they lose the essence of true magic and the comprehension of being part of the one. Their magical capabilities are defined by the boundaries, and the names, they use. It is magic in a very diluted form; very corrosive by nature. Thus their facade of being love and light is in truth hiding an energy of destruction and devastation. That is a polar opposite to true magic. It is not what is portrayed in their literature, and their claims. Those claims of magic, are thus false.