Further Reading

Tuesday 6 November 2018

AI, AI, and More AI

Its all about pushing out artificial intelligence at the moment, prior to the launch of the 5G networks. A network designed for the AI machines and not as a convenience for mankind.

UK adverts are increasingly peddling goods that have AI convenience. Forcing us, by repetition and regularity to accept and be softened to the idea of AI everywhere.


We have done very well on our own without the apparent servants that are there for our convenience, which are in truth a trojan horse for a much darker and fatal agenda.

Phones, cars and now TV's. And that is just the start. Mark my words, we will be over-run by everything being made AI and then it will be too late. We'll walk blinding into a world of the AI becoming the alien masters ... mankind is lobotomised to the truth. Blind and lethargic; a rudderless boat in the water. It's been planned for hundreds of years. The AI technology being rolled out currently was designed 30 years ago. Just think what is being developed now. And what is around the corner.

Pretty soon there is will be totally realistic human beings on the streets .... which are AI! Police forces which are short staffed will suddenly have AI officers for example ... be warned its on its way.