Further Reading

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Explorers Of The Multi-Universes

It's really not that simple to explain how the multi-universes work; or how our consciousness travels between them. But we do. 

Dream state is the perfect proof of that 'certainty'. Standard New Age rehashed dream books offer endless meanings to symbolic dreams without realising one vital thing.

Most of what is termed 'a dream' is not a dream. It is actually consciousness wandering from one dimension to another or others. I remember gaining an insight somewhere that if you went anywhere in your sleep where you experienced any of your normal senses, or could see in colour; then it wasn't a dream. A dream is supposed to be in black and white. Which means I NEVER remember my dreams as everything I experience in 'dream state' has colour, touch, taste, smell, hearing and even an awareness of thinking daily thoughts.

We are all explorers of the multi-universe and the parallel dimensions, and it is a trait of being consciousness. Ok, so most of what we wander through is a simulated reality. It is not a visit to the outside. We are caught fast in a virtual set of parallel universes. But we are still consciousness. And somewhere out there it must be possible to find a hole in the jamming frequency wall? 

Or do some of us venture out beyond that frequency? Have we the ability to lift our vibration beyond that jamming frequency? If so, why would we come back to this prison? A host of questions exist, but where are the answers?

I know for a FACT that New Age hogwash books don't contain the answers. They vibrate on confusion and continued capture with all their wondrous notions and crazy fables. The reality is that we are travellers of those multiple dimensions, but it is not easy to explain the process or control the process. 'Dream control' and 'lucid dreaming' comes close to controlling the mechanism. Preparing for sleep with a pre-conceived travel destination is one way of finding a way out, I suppose. But only if you know the frequency you have to vibrate past in order to get out beyond the net. Some aspect of consciousness will know the how, and the why. One day, perhaps we all will know ...