Further Reading

Friday 23 November 2018

The Dangers Of The N.A.M Mumbo Jumbo

There are still far too many buying into the low level spirituality that is known as 'The New Age Movement' (N.A.M). Its philosophy and belief systems are virtually the same type of uniform as all the mainstream religions.

It is there to bind its followers tightly and lead them down a pathway that is nowhere near the true picture; feed them a pile of unprovable hogwash and get them to have blind faith in the so called 'guides', 'ascended masters', 'angels', 'alien lifeforms' that are ALL figments of vivid imaginations. 

When a follower sees something that matches the description of any of these servitors, they fail to see it is either their mind or an inner dimensional parasite that is creating the apparitions. How can you see something that DOESN'T EXIST? Or cannot exist because its all been made up?

The service that spiritual churches provide for their attendees, and so many other new age establishments too, is virtually identical to a conventional church service. There are songs to sing; a minister in attendance, then a speaker who either provides philosophy based on the 'N.A.M Mumbo Jumbo' they've taken in parrot fashion, without questioning it; or it is an attempt to connect with the other side .... there are good mediums who attend, yes, but also a majority who provide so called evidence that is either cold reading or psychic ability. Not communication with the other side.

There are so many good people, with the best of intentions, who are drawn into the whole thing and fall for the trojan horse. The N.A.M is another means to hold people back and away from the true picture. It is NOT the path to enlightenment. Sorry. But its true. Having walked along this roadway from the early 1980's (When it was still relatively new and I was about the ONLY male medium in my area); through the 90's and into the New Millenium, before realising about 10 years ago the deceit and deception behind the movement ... I do know what I'm talking about.

Willingly standing alone as the Mountain Goat it is frustrating to see only sheep on the pathway behind ... so very few are truly aware of the dangers associated with the N.A.M. There are former estate agents and trained army killers who wander the pathway as New Age Teachers and New Age Experts; spouting all the crap to their followers. They are barely out of acolyte nappies and have established themselves as EXPERTS! W.T.F! 

This Mountain Goat is so pleased to smell the fresh air away from the trampled soil and grass the sheep wander across and eat! This Mountain Goat cares not if people accept its insights or if they don't. It's never been about how you appear to other people or how many followers you have on social media; or how much more professional your web site and advertising looks; how many more titles you have than your competitors. That's it ... its not a competition. Its not about being adored or how many readings you've done. Its about HELPING OTHER PEOPLE. Its about salvaging wounded spirits that are trapped in the illusion of their soul lives. Its so much more than what the misguided and malevolent NAM teaches. 

The N.A.M is a danger ... not an asset!