Further Reading

Tuesday 13 November 2018

The Game Of Follow The Leader

The quest to reach the future horizon is on.

Those that are easily fooled, and are taken in by the blatant lies regarding this 'reality' are using their thought form creativity to build the mental waveforms which will shape the future that The Hidden Hand desires. 

They follow the Pied Piper and do not even have an inkling of that is going on. For the glamours of materialism have them snared; they are blinded by the deceptions weaved in their minds; their perceptions distorted into creating the negative of the creativity they possess. In their hands, future mankind is lost. In their ranks are tens of thousands of 'awakened' souls who are being mislead, and misdirected, by the 'New Age' uniform.

On the other hand, there are numerous awakened souls who use their creativity in the ways it is designed to work. Their perceptions are fixed on a future they know from birth. The future from which they came; prior to their upload into this version of reality. Their door in, is the same door on the way out. Their role is to play 'follow the leader'; follow me and I will lead you all to the right door, and the correct future horizon.

And it is these that the misdirected 'awakened' souls unwittingly follow through 'copycat-itis' and jealousy and envy. They cannot think for themselves, but they see what the awakened ones can do, and wish to covert that for themselves. Thus, unwittingly, they are compelled to follow the leader. And it is this process that takes place in numerous human industries, trades and workplaces across 'the globe'. And it is for this process that the truly awakened souls live and breathe.

They are extremely sensitive, and creative, beings. Constantly under attack from all forms of agents of The Hidden Hand; attacks designed to turn their positive perceptions back to those of the transmissions constantly bombarding the human sheep. But the dark, the negative, only makes them stronger and stronger. Their direction towards their future horizon cannot be swayed....