Further Reading

Friday, 9 November 2018

The Sly Old Fox Is At It Again

The unscrupulous ones are at it again. Indiscriminately using social media platforms to peddle their wares. Trying to grab the crumbs & the scraps from a non-receptive general public; a general public who are applying the 'once bitten, twice shy' philosophy.

So the sly foxes are not finding it easy any more. 

We refer to the Australian 'Psychic Industry' and the old faces are staging a comeback; trying to desperately regenerate their popularity using their established notoriety as 'TV Celebrity Psychics' to cadge a few readings here and there. 

Sadly their are way too many 'psychic mediums' touting for the trade in a country which has a really limited catchment for psychic readings. If you are good, and consistent, then the trade is there. But if you huff and puff through your sessions, and charge the earth for the privilege, then it will be nigh on impossible to stage a successful comeback.

And for those who huff and puff; who've consistently tried to take the wheels of the 'good and genuine one's' wagon, then it is perfect karma that their emperor's clothes are now evident. They cannot and will not succeed in their comeback venture. People will refuse to be taken in anymore ... the time of easy pickings; of successful monetary gain at expos; is in the past. It's now nigh on impossible to make a successful go of full time psychic readings in Australia, if you are not the real deal.