Further Reading

Friday 30 November 2018

What Makes A Stalker Stalk?

Have you ever been stalked? Whether it be on Social Media or in real life? Are you currently being stalked? Are you still finding it hard to come to terms with the psychological damage a stalker has had, or is having, on your life?

We're going to be studying the whole theme of The Stalker personality in a way to help understand what makes someone become so obsessed in another human being, that they will follow them tirelessly, obsessively and dangerously, sometimes for decades. Why do some people act in this way to someone else? Is it jealousy? Is it adoration or admiration in the first instance ... ?

We will analyse personal experiences of stalkers amongst others in order to understand the nature of this dangerous form of mental illness. Stalkers are unpredictable and often invisible before they establish themselves as a threat in your life. .....

What makes them start their surveillance of you ... because that's what they do. They watch you either on social media as a hidden threat ... or from an hidden vantage point in real life. They choose when they are ready to make themselves known to you, and they then play out an agenda of which you are part of. Only they know where they are taking you ... or where they want to take you. We will explore potential motives and reasons for their actions ...