Further Reading

Sunday, 11 November 2018

World Wide Web founder confirms evil tech giants will need to be split up to protect humanity

Natural News: The founder of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, says that tech giants will need to be broken up in order to protect humanity. Because so many people depend on Facebook and Google for information, controlling the dissemination of that information has become top priority for governments, corporations, industries, advertisers, special interests, and political agendas.

Facebook has become so powerful; they now dictate the news and information that people can see through their Facebook news feeds. Using algorithms, status quo fact-checkers, and human interference, Facebook targets and blacklists certain keywords and topics that they consider “spam” or “Russian bots.”

Wiping out hundreds of alternative media accounts and pages, Facebook has made it clear that they have ultimate control over the official narrative on important topics. Facebook justifies their censorship by saying they are protecting the public from “hate speech,” “foreign meddling in elections” and “fake news.”

Ironically, Facebook’s attempt to control information has allowed mainstream fake news a platform to appear legitimate. By censoring certain people with different viewpoints, Facebook’s seething hate for the truth bleeds through...read more>>>...