Further Reading

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Amidst A Great Sea Of Lobotomised Zombie Humans - The End Is Nigh

It may prove to be too later to effect a change on this planet. A rebellion by the 97% against the psychopathic 3% doesn't seem to be on the cards any day soon, sadly. The chemical lobotomy, by Sodium Fluoride, Aspartame, and god knows what other shit has been fed to them over the years, has been going on too long. Mankind is too lethargic and too suppressed to do anything about the fate that is befalling them.

The 3% appear to have it all sown up; they have decided that its time to rid this existence of mankind, and replace the race with a horde of quantum computer controlled robots; the remaining humans after the approaching cull likely to be computer controlled as well.

The 3% are scared, stir fry crazy nut-jobs that can't play by the rules. The know in a fair fight they would have been discovered long ago, in a time when their toxic poisons in food, water, and air, wouldn't have had such an effect. A time when they hadn't set up their mesmerising shit called media, TV, films, computer games etc. 

But sadly, those of us who are effectively unaffected by their shit; who sense they are in some way immune to it; can only look on powerless. We realise that its a curse to be isolated individuals amidst a great sea of lobotomised zombie humans. There is nothing we can do. Its pointless taking to the streets and attempt to get people to listen. Its too far gone. Society is now shaped on all the toxins and mesmerising tools being part of that society. Humans are too far gone with the damage to realise what is going on.

The only conclusion that can be reached is to let the lemmings walk over the cliff; to let mankind be exterminated. They did it to themselves. Let them be wiped out or worse, turned into eternal part human-part robot slaves ... they have no-one else to blame but themselves. Hopefully, we can slip away and not become part of that crazy bastards new virtual reality. All the signs are around us, that the end is nigh. And zombie mankind are none the wiser. Poor fools.