Further Reading

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Apparently, There Are NO Cover-Ups

We've been recently reading a book published in 2007 that provides commentaries on 'the 100 most disturbing conspiracies of all time'. The author's view is biased to say the least. 

The book is set out in alphabetical order starting with 'Alien Abduction'. By the time we reached 'British Royal Family' we'd had enough with the one sided and objectionable opinions of the 'anti-conspiracy' lobbyist that wrote the book.

We welcome other people's viewpoints and critiques yes. And the author has done some research, but his total condemnation of David Icke for example is disgusting. Having worked with David and researched & read his works ever since 'the early days' of Bridge Of Love' etc ... I know how well David does his research. He does not deserve the belittlement of the author of this junk book. With regard to 'The Lizards' and 'The Reptileans' which the book states is basically 'crazy talk' ... having witnessed a full shapeshift and a partial shapeshift myself; the former before I'd ever met David; I have to contend that these creatures exist! The shapeshift is NOT the physical form; that is impossible. It is the apparent physical appearance we see with our perceptions that shifts. One minute a person (A female in my case) was human and then the next standing in front of me was this black 'thing' with vertical slits for eyes and a reptile like body. The shift was momentary and the female was then back looking human again. But what I saw was REAL and not due to hallucination etc.

The book also totally debunks Chemtrails amongst other things; things I know are indeed true; and this is where I draw the line and have put the book back on the shelf. Chemtrails are NOT contrails. I've seen both in the sky at the same time. Contrails are water vapour and disappear almost immediately they come in contact with the atmosphere. Chemtrails do not! They remain in the sky as a narrow white cloud-like structure before gradually widening and thinning into a white mist like structure. I've seen hundreds of chemtrails; I studied cloud formations as part of the UK A Levels and up until the late 1980's had never seen clouds like this before. Anyway the governments have admitted to chemtrails so they are no longer a conspiracy.

Needless to say it will no longer be a mammoth task reading the rest of this book appertaining to cover ups. We can normally read just about anything, but the tone of this book literally right from the start is totally and utterly anti-conspiracy theory.