Further Reading

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Globalists call for “celebration” of plunging human fertility as war against humanity accelerates

Natural News: The story cites Sarah Harper, a former director of the Royal Institution, a globalist-run depopulation front group, who explains that, “far from igniting alarm and panic falling total fertility rates were to be embraced, and countries should not worry if their population is not growing.”

Incredibly, Sarah Harper cites the rise of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and illegal immigration as reasons why human fertility doesn’t matter anymore. Apparently, she thinks that Third World illegals and self-aware machines will replace the humans in developing nations. That’s exactly why these globalists want open borders, by the way… to overrun First World nations and populate them with low-education masses that are easy to control (and easy for globalists to exterminate).

Giving birth to human babies to sustain human society, “is really old thinking,” she explains in the UK Guardian article. “All the evidence is, that if families, households, societies, countries have to deal with large numbers of dependants, it takes away resources that could be put into driving society, the economy etc.,” she stated. In other words, Harper is arguing that having human babies is holding back society, and that real “progress” requires shutting down reproductive fertility....read more>>>...

Opinion: This Sarah Harper sounds like an incredibly balanced human being. There's no psychopathic tendencies with her is there? Just megalomania and sheer insanity. Who the hell gave the likes of this nutter the permission to decide what is right for human beings? Madness personified.