Further Reading

Friday 21 December 2018

How To Silence The Voice Of Fear

FEAR is an incredible control mechanism. It is an insistent impulse, and nagging thought, in the mind that clouds judgement and turns a joyful day into a miserable experience on the spin of a coin!

We all experience it, virtually every day; it is a driving force; it is sadly linked to the primal need to survive; and the way the human brain/mind interface is wired ... fear drives our daily lives leading to sometimes non-radical ways of thinking ... driving us to have sleepless nights and unhappy evenings, often over thinking something that turns out to be nothing at all.

The thing is with FEAR .... we are scared when we let the fear factor kick into gear (And we all do it) ... but when we come to face that very thing that FEAR tells us to worry about ... that thing is NEVER as bad as the fear makes it out to be. FEAR therefore deceives us and misleads us ... yet we let it rule our lives. Somehow we have to learn to overcome fear so it doesn't have this effect on us.

This conquering of a fear can start with a simple dialogue:

The Voice Of Fear: "I'd be worried if I were you; you're going to be sacked from your new job";
The Voice Of Reason: "Whatever! So I lose my job; I can get another one";
The Voice Of Fear: "You'll run out of savings before you get another job, and will have to sell up and go homeless";
The Voice Of Reason: "Whatever, life is about having different experiences; I've never been homeless so bring it on".

More often than not, by challenging your fear in that way, The Voice Of Fear goes silent. Then by undertaking a mindfulness exercise and observing your thoughts you can experience being totally silent and free of fearful thoughts and impulses. So sayeth The Voice Of Experience.

FEAR only manufactures resultant sadness and clouded judgement if you let it run amok in your mind. Fear always works on our survival instinct. It is a controlling mechanism placed in the human brain to engineer self-policing. By realising this ... and silence fears ... life suddenly becomes so much better.