Further Reading

Monday 24 December 2018

The Chemical Lobotomy Of Mankind

Chemtrails are now a fact. Something that we've known since they first appeared in the late 1980's. Normal contrails are expended from the engines of jet airliners and disappear virtually straight away as they are water vapour.

Chemtrails on the other hand linger after they are expelled from whatever plane is being used by the Hidden Hand to pollute the atmosphere. A tell tale white trail is sighted which lingers and lingers until it gradually disperses into a fine white smog cloud.

This has been happening all over the world for at least thirty years. Just think about the millions upon millions of tonnes of SHIT which has been put in the atmosphere; and more worryingly has come down to earth into our soils, our water supply and ultimately into our foods then our bodies. It is a truly frightening thought that this has been going on for so long, and WE'VE DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT! We've sat back and let the evil Hidden Hand attack us in this way.

For the best part the majority of us have been in denial, yet our food and water has been altered beyond belief. Now, at the eleventh hour, when the damage has been done ... they've come out with admitting they've been poisoning us. Well not exactly. They've admitted there are chemtrails and it is to block out the sun. BOLLOCKS. It may be to deny that vital part of life as we need the vitamin c and vitamin e, yes.

And they've systematically denied us the ability to absorb these vital nutrients by tampering with our cholesterol.  In truth chemtrails are to terraform the earth's atmosphere into a toxic environment, along with all the nuclear pollution etc that is out there. It is for reasons unknown to us, but to match a sick agenda they are following.

Those 3% are sick individuals, and the remaining 97% just sit back and let them run amok with their total madness. In generations to come when its too late, they will look back and ask WHY DIDN't THEY DO SOMETHING WHEN THEY COULD. Why can't we? What is stopping us? Sodium Fluoride is and its chemical lobotomy of mankind. We HAVE to wake up ... and we HAVE to do it now. We need to see what the 3% is doing to us ... and prevent the next stage before its too late. LISTEN ... before its too late.