Further Reading

Thursday 20 December 2018

The Contract – Holodeck Earth

Waking Times: The nuts and bolts of Holodeck Earth consist of electromagnetic frequencies of A Third Universal Dimensional Reality. Third Dimensional Earth is a place where many incarnations of a Soul are possible using 3D karmic-belief lessons until such time the Soul reaches graduation. Once energetic bonds are balanced, Souls will Ascend and incarnate to higher dimensional realms. All is based on an individual Soul-by-Soul basis.

MATRIX STRUCTURE: The MATRIX is a construct of torsion fields in a simulated fold of space-time. The universe is made up of multiple layers or “frequencies” likened to a deck of cards. Every card is a different dimension, each with its own unique suit and own unique character, each isolated from the other cards. Though the cards touch each other, no card can interact with another. Each card is a universe unto itself....read more>>>...