Further Reading

Friday 28 December 2018

The Light of Truth Oracle Card for 2019

It's time for mankind, collectively, to stop having its perceptions decided for it. To cease caring about build; hair style; teeth colour; race; religion, gender; reality TV characters and all the other crap that The Hidden Hand has mankind worrying about.

Mankind needs to grasp its own thoughts and begin changing its perception of the reality which is around it. It's time to look for the lies in the story. To fight back against the invisible force that is stealing its freedom every single day.

The Magician applies to every single member of the 97% who are being suppressed by the psychotic 3% that wants the majority off the planet. By grabbing back its own thoughts, and refusing the trends that are demanded by the media and other mind bending bollocks, mankind has a chance to wield its magic on this world. That magic can be called freewill. An energy that has been taken from mankind like pinching that candy bar from a baby.

It really is time to snatch it back. And it begins by refusing to accept the nonsense that is being portrayed as the news. News is Hidden Hand propaganda. It is lies, lies and more lies all scripted to push the human rats down the maze. The human rat has to find its teeth and begin to fight back .... 2019 can be that year.