Further Reading

Tuesday 15 January 2019

A new glycerol nucleic acid (GNA) building block for structural DNA nanotechnology

Foresight (29th April 2008): A new building block for structural DNA nanotechnology uses a 3-carbon glycerol molecule instead of the 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose found in DNA. To begin exploring this new DNA nanotech, the researchers made a simple four-helix junction of the type pioneered in Ned Seeman’s laboratory, and found that nanostructures built from GNA not only tolerate higher temperatures than do comparable structures made with DNA, but both left-handed and right-handed four-helix junctions are obtained—something not easily done with DNA. An excerpt from “Scientists make chemical cousin of DNA for use as new nanotechnology building block” from Arizona State University, via AAAS EurekAlert:

"In the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, researchers are using DNA to make intricate nano-sized objects. Working at this scale holds great potential for advancing medical and electronic applications. DNA, often thought of as the molecule of life, is an ideal building block for nanotechnology because they self-assemble, snapping together into shapes based on natural chemical rules of attraction. This is a major advantage for Biodesign researchers like Hao Yan, who rely on the unique chemical and physical properties of DNA to make their complex nanostructures. While scientists are fully exploring the promise of DNA nanotechnology, Biodesign Institute colleague John Chaput is working to give researchers brand new materials to aid their designs. In an article recently published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society [abstract], Chaput and his research team have made the first self-assembled nanostructures composed entirely of glycerol nucleic acid (GNA)—a synthetic analog of DNA."...read more>>>...

That article was uploaded nearly 10 years ago. Imagine how far on they are with this process now! Look back 10 years and compare SMART internet of things back then, to now, and get a feel of how fast technology has moved in 10 years. And that doesn't account for anything that is really happening below ground and off world. Mankind, we have a bit of a problem!