Further Reading

Monday, 7 January 2019

ANALYSIS: Google is the ENEMY of humanity and must be destroyed, or human freedom dies forever

Natural News: It’s the “mind” behind hundreds of millions of people’s mobile phones, email accounts, and search engine of choice. But the Google empire is anything but benevolent – and if it isn’t extinguished from the planet very soon, warns Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show, then we can all kiss our collective future goodbye.

That’s because if Google gets its way, everyone on the planet will be monitored, tracked, and controlled by the New World Order Google overlords who, like they’re currently doing in China, plan to persecute and destroy all dissenters here in the United States who dare to buck the established status quo.

Right now, more than 98 percent of mainstream media outlets the world over are controlled by just six people. And all of these people, says Hodges, are Leftists who hate average Americans, as well as America itself and everything for which this country stands...read more>>>...