Further Reading

Friday, 11 January 2019

Becoming Superconscious

Conscious Lifestyle: Often referred to as the abode of the “third eye,” the sixth chakra (also known as ajna chakra) is where intuition and transcendent consciousness take priority over ordinary logic.

When this sixth chakra centre is open, you can see clearly into another’s heart and soul—or into your own—with a knowingness that transcends the need to speak of truth or wisdom. The third eye chakra also helps you sense the vibrational currents and underlying substratum of situational forces.

When this capacity is stimulated, you have the ability to see how past directions influence present choices and the future potentials toward which they are pointing. Reasoning, wit, spontaneity, and mental flexibility all become highly developed at this superconscious level where you can distinguish between what realities seem to be and what they truly are. With the third eye chakra you transcend normal abilities and can see into others, life situations, and yourself....read more>>>...