Further Reading

Thursday 3 January 2019

EU Starts Testing AI Lie Detectors At Border Points

News Punch: The program, called iBorderCtrl, started on November 1st and will run for six months at four border crossing points in Hungary, Latvia and Greece with countries outside the European Union

The EU-funded scheme aims to facilitate faster border crossings for travellers while weeding out potential criminals or illegal crossings but has been blasted by a civil liberties groups for being too Orwellian. They worry that this might lead to more widespread surveillance.

RT reports: Developed with €5 million in EU funding from partners across Europe, the pilot project will be operated by border agents in each of the trial countries and led by the Hungarian National Police.

Those using the system will first have to upload certain documents like passports, along with an online application form, before being assessed by the virtual, retina-scanning border agent.

The traveller will simply stare into a camera and answer the questions one would expect a diligent human border agent to ask, according to New Scientist.

What’s in your suitcase?” and “If you open the suitcase and show me what is inside, will it confirm that your answers were true?

But unlike a human border guard, the AI system is analyzing minute micro-gestures in the traveller’s facial expression, searching for any signs that they might be telling a lie....read more>>>...

Tip toe, tip toe ... the UK leaving Europe & Brexit is part of the planned jigsaw puzzle ... problem, reaction and a solution appears as if by magic; right at the time it is meant. 84 days before Brexit kicks in ... and it can solve the 'border' crisis that Brexit will create. mmmm.... funny that. Hope we're very wrong on this.