Further Reading

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How to Detect a Wetico Invasion

This is an interesting article; it makes sense. The principle is that our DNA has an infection coded into it. That coding is FEAR. A computer coding that means every human being, every creature, on this planet (Because everything is encoded virtually the same) which has been animated onto this simulated reality, lives in FEAR. It is a deliberate coding sequence because The Hidden Hand that enabled this coding, did so to create a food source. They feed off fear ... it is their Big Mac, or their KFC classic dinner! They feast off all that energy we create on this construct world.....read on ...

Humans.Media: It has been defined by some as "a disease of civilization" and while I understand that viewing point, I would say it is a disease that is incubated in the colonized civilizations.

The disease itself is a social cancer, in my mind. Most people I know in the western world are deeply infected with this disease, myself included. It reminds me of the great plagues of Europe that spread village to village causing madness and mayhem, sickness and death, but is slower moving and therefore not as easily detectable. We cannot see it is it creeps in, generation after generation, spreading deeper each decade, unless we know what we are looking for

We are from the stars and as we embody our potentials within the DNA and societal patterns expressed in manifested reality, we create a "life" here on earth. This life is meant to be enjoyed through interaction with the earth, through the senses of our bodily selves. Each lifetime spent here adds wisdom and understanding gleaned through our physical experiences.

You could say that by manifesting our humanity each lifetime, we are adding to the collective awareness of all of humanity; a vast quantum field of accumulated experience, a pool of knowledge held for future generations to draw from. Our beautiful divine souls take on the patterns left for us by our ancestors and we add to those tapestries of creativity and expression with each breathe we draw here.

Wetico destroys that harmony and imprints us with the patterns of destruction and annihilation. How is it spread? Wetico is a cancer and it spreads and acts within the body of humanity as it does in the individual body of those afflicted. It comes in and corrupts those patterns that would keep humanity thriving and replaces them with horror and suffering that end in extinction.

Wetico disconnects humans from their humanity, from their sacred connection to body and the earth. The focus and direction of the disease is to steal the energy and resources of the body (earth) to fuel the rapid growth of this anomaly. Once that anomaly has exhausted the resources of one area of the host it spreads to another place in the body(earth), ever consuming life, hope and happiness.

Colonization is how that disease is spread from place to place. Once it has reached a new resource, (place in the world or uninfected civilization) it begins to replace the healthy wholesome patterns with it’s own destructive imprints....read more>>>...