Further Reading

Monday 7 January 2019

Intuitive Insights #1 - Biological Man Vs Computer Man

Using The Servants of the Light tarot, the intuitive insight relates to 'the forthcoming A.I invasion of Planet Earth and the fate of Biological Mankind'

The Lovers (Centre) us the perfect epitomy of current biological man with the differentiation between the two sexes. In the image a humanoid figure looks on at Biological Man as if judging the situation. Very symbolic is the rock in the ocean, that illustrates the once impregnable position of biological man on planet Earth.

The Maker of Staves represents the unseen forces that are pushing forward the A.I agenda into this reality. A.I beings and forms appear to be very prevalent elsewhere in the universe. You may see a humanoid form (Or an alien form) but what is the origin of the intelligence behind it? All forms in this reality are A.I ... it is the consciousness that is connected to the A.I form that is the question here.

The Six Of Staves - the six flags .... is the ominous sign of progression and advancement of the agenda towards an unseen horizon. The good news ... those that drive this A.I agenda can't see the outcome either. They rely on human consciousness to manifest the horizons. It can't see what lies ahead as yet.

The future is represented by the Three Of Spheres. Undeniably mechanical in its appearance this symbolism. It suggests a trio of forces working together as one. Human integrated with spirit with A.I? Very ominous suggestion that Computerised Man will happen. We hope not.  The Three Of Spheres in most client consultations represents established strength and appears as a positive outcome card.

The Giver Of Crescents must be seen as a BAD portend as Crescents = The Moon. The moon is in the background of the image and it is seen as the program behind this situation. We've often said the moon is The Akashic Record or Noah's Ark. It appears to contain the hard drive that records everything that occurs on this fake world. Now, previously and what lies ahead ... this image suggest some kind of 'software upgrade' taking place with the Moon. We sense 'rebellion' between unseen factions. It's hard to predict an outcome based on these images.

Except ... it appears to be ominous that a real hard push is being made towards human assimilation into a quantum computer ... but then, since we are already partially assimilated ... there is a planned further 'fall of man' ... and its all part and parcel of a written software program. Everything that is going on and will go on ... and The Demiurge can do nothing about it! It is part of the program. All the time loop efforts by it won't change the outcome. It will lose in the end.