Further Reading

Saturday 19 January 2019

A Pyramid on Mars! - Military 'Life On Mars' Follow Up

We posted the 'Life On Mars' image, shown right, a couple of days ago; is certainly one of the most damning proof of life on Mars that we have in our Mars folders. The interesting thing is after studying this image very closely, we realise there is so much more in this image that initially meets the eye on first look. Yes, there are clearly military style hangers with transportation craft/vehicles in them and around them. There are clearly light sources. Ingredients that prove intelligent life on Mars.

But we also noticed something very interesting. Moving out from the hangar on the left hand side of the image there is a line that looks like a pipeline or a power cable. Towards the top of the image, almost hidden, is a triangular shape, that can only be a pyramid! Yes, there is a pyramid on Mars! There are probably other's scattered around Mars. What we've concluded is that the pyramid in this image is used as a power source. It is must generate energy to provide the power to the hangars and what is likely to exist below ground.

We conclude that whatever/whoever is on Mars may well be linked to the same beings who were the Pyramid builders on Earth. It suggests that the pyramids on Earth were power generators. The way the pyramid generates energy is unknown, but it is clear that there is active civilisation on Mars, and may well not be particularly benevolent in their view of human beings.

Interesting is the black area of towards the front of the image. There is one tiny point of light and what appears to be other buildings in this area. There is also a mysterious trail of white heading into the blackened zone. Could this be a plume of smoke like a contrail of some kind of vehicle? It appears to be a moving stream of 'something' that looks almost like a torrent of water?

The obvious vertical lines of white & grey are also of interest. It is not clear what they are. We will study other images of this area, which we have on file, and get back to you.