Further Reading

Monday 7 January 2019

NYT editorial argues that extinction of the human race would be good for planet Earth

Natural News: The mainstream media is now trying to “normalize” the depopulation agenda.

In a recent NYT editorial, Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?, Clemson University professor Todd May argues that the end of humanity wouldn’t be so bad after all. The left-wing has been using the global warming narrative to conjure up fear about imminent human extinction for years now, but declaring that the end of humanity would be good for the planet is taking the global depopulation agenda to a whole new level.

It would seem that the left-wing media is now launching the next phase of this grand extinction scheme. By publishing the opinion of Mr. Todd May, The New York Times is at the very least showing that this point of view is worthy of such a lofty platform, if not a full-blown endorsement. As Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently reported, there are many, many signs that the “extermination agenda” has already begun — and with headlines like Mays’ NYT piece floating around, it’s clear that the media is trying to push depopulation as the new “normal.”

What starts off as a “fringe” idea can very quickly become mainstream thought, if its publicized the right way. And it looks like the globalist Left is moving towards adopting depopulation as the next big thing on the party line....read more>>>...