Further Reading

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Orwell’s ‘Facecrime’ is Here, and in Insane America it Could Get You Killed

Waking Times: If you had any doubt left that we have entered crossed the Rubicon into sheer madness, then look no further to the media feeding frenzy over Covington Catholic High School student in a non-confrontation with American Indian elder Nathan Phillips.

In short, the hacks, fraudsters, propagandists and thought crime police created a media firestorm over the expression on a kids face as an old man beat a drum. Death threats ensued, and the high school was even forced to close down for the days following, because so many insane, hateful people threatened harm on the school and everyone there.

There are plenty of articles on the net today about this incident, proving that the original story which positioned the high school student as a white, racist tormentor of Native Americans was totally make-believe. There is a bigger picture here, though, that needs to be brought into view. We’re at a dangerous crossroads in our society, and people in mass are showing signs of loving their slavery to a corrupt and divisive two-party scam system that feeds off our inability to get along and unite.

There are innumerable pawns, patsies and provocateurs who would happily sell our culture and peace of mind for some slight political edge. We are living in interesting times where an unsubstantiated story about the look on someone’s face can lead to national turmoil and widespread threats of violence.

This indicates another major step forward in our enslavement to an all-seeing, all-manipulating technocratic bureaucracy.

George Orwell gave the world a prophetic warning about how government and state control of culture could lead to a world where people gleefully participate in their own totalitarian enslavement. A world where everyone is afraid to speak whatever truth is on their own mind, and a world where the punishment for thinking outside of the box is rather severe.

The Covington incident reveals a shocking devolution in society, and now, as Orwell predicted, having the wrong expression on your face when the all-seeing eye of big government and the culture police look at you can have severe consequences, possibly even bringing physical harm or even death.

Of all the frightening ideas in 1984, there is one little gem in there that is mentioned only once. Facecrime.

Yes, that’s right…. Facecrime...read more>>>...