Further Reading

Thursday 3 January 2019

Permission To Land On Your Dark Side?

This is the 3RD day of 2019 ... and things are really hotting up aren't they for MANKIND. The MANIPULATION is coming to the surface. All the planned MANIFESTATION of the changes to MAN's awareness on Planet Earth is coming into fruition as The Hidden Hand plays one of its ace cards ...

Anyone been following the new's story about the distant 'snowman' on the edge of our solar system; supposedly billions of light years away. Really ... the universe is NOT as they say.

And now, there are some wonderful 'photographs' of a gravel-like surface that the Chinese have announced, 'suddenly' as the dark side of the Moon.

Yes, they have finally landed on the side of the moon we can't see. Apparently they put up a satellite that is in orbit around the Moon ... so it can get information from the probe that landed on the dark side.

Remember, this is the planetoid that has apparently 250 million humanoids inside it ... have the Chinese rung up those in charge of the Moon for permission to land? Or is it a publicity stunt? You decide.

Britain is heading for a 'no deal' Brexit in 85 days time. Apparently the country is going to go to pieces. It's going to be a disaster ... bollocks. This is the deal that was planned all along! It's been a classic problem-reaction-solution scenario. The governMENt is a room filled with puppets controlled by those in the shadows. As we know.

 It's so funny this P.C rubbish that is taking place and all this gender-neutral crap. Let's face it, the huMAN body is created as two 'sexes' - one called man and the other called woman. That's as far as the gender goes. The SPIRIT force that connects to these human A.I bodies is gender-neutral. That's what is so funny.... it's the soul (The machine consciousness of the human body) that is programmed as gender aware. That crucial programming has been rewritten to create all this gender-shit.

Dunno how they are going to get round things when words like MANifesto and MANipulation are taken out of the dictionary!!! Interesting times, yes?