Further Reading

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Scientists Explain How Digital Technology Affects the Brain

Waking Times: “We’re all pawns in a grand experiment to be manipulated by digital stimuli to which no one has given explicit consent.” ~ Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin

Does it ever make you wonder why so many people have a difficult time concentrating, suffer from sleep problems, and are becoming more anxious? Scientist from all fields, including neurologists and human behavior experts, are examining how digital technology affects the brain. Many are realizing that it may be a bigger problem than we think.

Companies, such as Google and Facebook, are very good at effectively employing psychologies tactics that easily snag our attention. This keeps many of us glue to our digital devices, whether we like it or not. Yet, researchers are now realizing that because of digital tech, our brains and general well-being are starting to suffer.

This is especially noticeable when you look at children and young adults. These younger generations have become so addicted to their digital technologies that many have a difficult time taking several hours off from their devices, never mind a few days.

Because digital technology is so new, we do not yet really understand the potential risks associated with smartphones and wireless networks. But considering that most of us cannot do without our smartphones, taking precautionary measures, such as using a device that helps diminish the effects of EMFs, could be quite important...read more>>>...