Further Reading

Friday 4 January 2019

Switch Off The Fear Factor

There certainly is a large amount of mumbo jumbo and disinformation out there on the internet. It is very hard to discern truth from fantasy. That is not by accident; it is by very clever design. It's so obvious when you step away from the trees. The wood stands out very clearly.

Adopting the left brain 'fear factor' makes it all very confusing like tangled balls of wool. Again. That is the plan. 

When the truth is there in plain sight, there has to be entanglement and distraction. There has to be equally feasible occurrences put there as a way of dragging your attention away from those places where the truth has been written.

We believe, implicitly, that people are employed by 'The Hidden Hand' to create this confusion. People are told what bullshit to write and how to do it ... to convince people that what they say is 'fact'. When in reality it is the 'Pied Piper Effect' ...

Again, that is the plan. People are very gullible creatures. And are as easy to lead down mazey corridors as lab rats. It's the truth. We've all been victim of it. We all fall prey to it every single day we live in a world that is a total lie. Everything, virtually, is not as we are told it is ... its the Myth Of Life. Sadly.

And there's nothing we can do about it. Except. SWITCH OFF THE FEAR FACTOR. And listen instead to what your intuitive right brain is saying; or making you feel. Learn to gauge what is 'bullshit' and what is 'truth' by setting up your body as a lie detector. Get yourself chilled and ask yourself a question, any question, that you know is truth and see how you feel or what reaction your body is giving you. When that is clearly defined, ask yourself something you know to be 'bullshit' and then see how you feel, or what your body is telling you. You know have your lie detector. When you are faced with some 'controversial information' chill and see what response you are getting. Is the information 'truth' or is it 'bullshit'??

I used to teach students this method of detecting fantasy or truth when dealing with inter-dimensional beings. I know it is effective ... I use this method constantly. It has become 2nd nature ... I've been using it for so long (32 years). Good luck. Don't let 2019 get you down. It's a confusing world yes ... but the truth is out there, and its not what is being told, or supposedly revealed.