Further Reading

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Synthetic You!

Ever wondered what happens to your genetic material when you submit a spit test for DNA profiling at Ancestry.Com or 23andMe etc? Ever wondered why Elite-owned companies are offering to let you know more about your family DNA etc?

Think about it ...

Have you ever heard of GNA which is a synthetic version of the DNA? GNA is a nanotechnology building block and has been developed to create synthetic man. Synthetic Man is already here! Kept in the shadows below ground in the secret laboratories. All ready for when the button is pushed for biological man to give way to a non-sexed synthetic version.

In fact, we would say that synthetic man already walks amongst us, covertly. For they are likely to look just like us ... except they will be mass created in a laboratory without the need for the biological birth process. They will be undetectable ... handled by hi-tech computer technology and trialed to see how easy it is to integrate them. So the disappearance of biological man can commence with no real fuss. Replacing the missing with a synthetic version. Sounds far fetched? Not at all.

The Archons have had to work with biological man since the hijacking of this synthetic reality. And they've gradually turned the tides to make mankind like them! A synthetic spirit awareness with none of the human infinite consciousness traits. We can guarantee the synthetic human form will have no heart or pineal gland or right brain hemisphere. It will be linked totally to artificial intelligent machine consciousness.

It's here. It's now. It's not IF they can integrate the synthetic versions of us. They already have the end game. Its just when they do it. 

Let us leave you with a quote by Aldous Huxley: 'natural reproduction has been done away with and children are created decanted, and raised in hatcheries and conditioning centres. From birth, people are genetically designed to fit into the castes, and designed to fulfil predetermined positions within the social and economic strata of the world state.'

If you've submitted your DNA for spit tests etc then your DNA sequence may well have been copied to a GNA synthetic version and a synthetic clone of you created. A creature that contains all your genetic coding and information. Effectively YOU. 

Sleep tight.