Further Reading

Thursday, 10 January 2019

The 5G Blanket

We would, by choice, prefer to feature much cheerier and happy posts than what is currently being featured. It's important to outline the potential for ultimate disaster that mankind, as a whole, faces in the coming couple of years.

Whatever is behind the global terraforming, and blanket EMR field around the planet, is certainly not concerned about preserving human life. It has no conscience or any caring about life on the planet. It cannot be biological in its nature, or else it would be signing its own death warrant with what is about to come ...

We've said before that its NOT human, its basically selling out its servants - 'The Elite of Multi-Billionaires' - that it is getting to fund and construct our own execution devices. So, in reality, we are all in this together. The 5G blanket is going to be unavoidable; it will beaming its menace to every single bit of space on this planet. So everyone and everything will be affected. We are all going to become significantly different in our health, our wellbeing, our thinking and the way we act. And NOT for the better.

A sub-reality will become part of this reality. We anticipate aliens to be biological like us. That is clearly not the case. It's likely that the aliens are electrical in form; or electrical impulse; and the 5G blanket is going to permit them to enter this world on a permanent basis ... and they are NOT nice! The way they are getting their human gofers to systematically destroy this world is perfect evidence of this.

We all were on a loser from the start. These beings, traditionally known as Archons or Dijn, have a tried and tested method to hijack a race, a world ... and planet earth is only one of probably tens of thousands destroyed in this way. We stood no chance ... as this is their computer system .... their fake reality. It's not our home dimensions. We are in enemy territory. Somehow its taken them apparent aeons to get to this point ... either by design or by something else. But, by whatever reason, we are here ... and human depopulation will now commence.; sadly.

Once all those 5G satellites are in place and the 5G system switched on ... we're sure our reality is going to change drastically over night. Maybe like when all ancient structures had been built and the transmissions, that created this fake reality, were first switched on. Our consciousness was uploaded to here from the real earth ... and its been here ever since. Now a further fall is planned when this field within that field is activated. We're sure that there will be no way back from uploaded consciousness when the 5G blanket is active from late 2019 onwards ...

It's a shame. But that's the nature of this prison frequency we find ourselves on. This is not doom and gloom ... its a waking call for everyone to take note of. And, those of the N.A.M who still preach ascended masters, guides, and other hocus pocus ... they are totally deluded if they think some kind of supernatural force is out there ascending us, and ultimately saving us. If we were blocked from rescuers before. We will definitely be very soon.