Further Reading

Thursday 17 January 2019

The Brexit Problem-Reaction-Solution Scam

We're almost halfway through the first month of 2019 and its still BREXIT, BREXIT ... problem with a BREXIT deal. Every morning on Breakfast TV we get conditioned and brainwashed into 'Brexit No Deal' 'how dare the people have asked to get out of Europe' 'it can't be done'. Apparently we have three options, a 2nd referendum; NO DEAL Brexit; or a new deal all together.

It's the old brainwashing technique in action again. Say things enough times and people will believe it. Classic PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION. A problem with a Brexit deal then the reaction of 'something must be done' ... then the solution; that which the shadow government wants to happen. 

Something, if it was presented to the people in the first place, it would be rejected hands down. But fuck around with brainwashing the people with 'there is a real problem getting out of Europe'. Do it enough times. Then present them with any old deal so they will grab at it ... hey presto the deal is suddenly done and hey presto its gone through. And its the one that the likes of Psycho Sorros and co wanted! Don't forget the multi-billionaires are all opposing the will of 17.4 MILLION people out of the 30 million who voted (52%). Yep. A handful of very rich and very psychopathic people deciding that those 17.4 million people can't have their wish.

I for one can see right through the transparent new clothes of the bullshit. There is no problem at all. A deal HAS been organised. It does NOT suit the people but suits the mega rich who stand to lose their pin money through dealings in Europe they would lose (A life time's wage to Joe Average but to the mega rich its cozy easy money lost. Something to help fund a drug run or two; a maybe help create a conflict).

Yep ... right bang on time ... 71 days until the day Britain supposedly leaves. Somewhere in the middle ... say 30 days from now .. watch, a deal will be rolled out. No details will be provided to Joe Public until the deal is 'publically done' then it will be too late .... bastards.

I, personally wanted BREXIT. A chance for the UK to self govern without the non-elected tossers in Brussels dictating what the UK has to do. A chance for businesses to come back to the UK; they'd been tempted away thanks to EU funding elsewhere. A chance to get a grip on the uncontrollable immigration into the UK.

Sod the fact so called experts predict disaster for the UK with NO DEAL or any deal. They will say that because its part of the brainwashing of the UK people. Especially the 17.4 million of us who said YES. Its all about getting us all to change our minds and ask to stay in. Sorry, I doubt that will happen ...

How many others can see through the deception I wonder?