Further Reading

Monday 28 January 2019

The Non-Meat Solution Is BULLSHIT

There are 3 days left in January 2019, and everything is clearly changing very rapidly in the world. The Hidden Hand agenda is being pushed, and pushed very hard.

Even though its clear that both Global Warming and Vaccinations have been exposed as scams and falsehoods, they still push these agendas. Even more worrying is the sudden appearance of Veganism, and the crazy unproven notion that what we eat is contributing to non-existent global warming.

When did that happen? Mankind has been meat eaters for millions of years. Our eating habits have never been a concern before. Yet now, we are being herded into veganism. Soon it will be impossible to buy certain meats from the shelves of shops. Then we will be forced to eat the protein substitutes they create in labs. Substances laden with GMO strands, poisons, nanotechnology etc etc. But we will have been good little sheepies, as we've helped to save the world by eating what we are told to eat. Not me!

Can these dickheads who come up with this bullshit not see the bright and warm orb in the sky? Do they not realise that its the SUN that is warming up the earth? We contribute less than 1% to the warming effect of this planet! It's a natural cycle. But these non-human psychotics are trying to scaremonger us into eating their chemical laden bilge instead of meat ... WAKE UP EVERYONE and refuse to fall for this latest hocus pocus.

It's really time to step back, look at all the dots and put them all together. See the wood for the trees and realise the big bullshit scam we are being sold. If I can see it, then there most be others. Its time we all stood together and became the power that the non-humans fear! It really is time.