Further Reading

Wednesday 16 January 2019

They've Done It Before (The Fall Of Man Is Nothing New)

So the plan of The Hidden Hand is to replace 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose based DNA coded 'biological' life forms with  3-carbon glycerol nucleic acid (GNA) 'synthetic' life forms. Somehow uploading a limited version of our consciousness via the 5G cloud into these new bodies ...

That's it in a nutshell. 

OK. Fine. But in our understanding, this has been done before. Possibly on several occasions. Put together 'the fall of mankind' with 'the coming of the moon' and the building of the ancient structures that resemble computer circuitry (Which all have been featured on here) ... and the suggestions are the last time round.

Prior to this simulated reality, we resided on planet earth (Whether still in a simulated reality, or the real deal, as its hard to say) on a much higher vibrational state, and with possibly nearer to full capacity brain function. Then, we were met on earth by 'the gods' ... advanced beings ... or apparent advanced beings, that traded their technology and their beliefs with us. Somehow, we were short changed as these so called advanced beings may well have been Artificial Intelligence controlled by the sub-reality where The Archons and The Demiurge existed. They helped us create the energy grid needed to bring forth a new technology ... the 5G effectively of that vibration ... it was created in such a way that a grid completely blanketed the earth. We were naive, and unaware of the entrapment their 'technology' represented.

Then the Moon appeared on the horizon and everything changed.

We believe then this simulated reality was switched on; our consciousness was then transported into the synthetic life forms we are in now. History then began in a different reality, and all memories of the vibration we had come from were lost. And our thoughts were infiltrated via the left brain implant ... and all the fake histories created.

What we see around us ... are remnants of a pirate copy of the previous vibrational earth. There is no connection with any of that earth history, as this simulated reality has only copied the landscapes from the real earth. The story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man relates to this fall from a higher state into these current synthetic life forms.

And the biggest con ... is the fact, as we've stated many times, we only observe this reality ... like viewing through a distortion field of moving waves of light (I've seen the simulated reality as gazing through a wall of water ... you stick your head through the water and see what's on the other side of the water).

Only now, they've found a way to actually put our consciousness inside the next synthetic life form they have already created. Once that happens ... they lock us into the next simulated reality ... a sub-reality of this one ... which is a sub-reality of the one they kidnapped us from. Only this time, we won't escape. Good bye relative freedom of thought, freewill, and connections with higher realities. It is planned to all be gone.

But the good news, and there is considerable good news, their crazy & insane scheme has many flaws which they have not yet ironed out. OK, they might get to fry us all with the 5G blanket, and they might get a percentage of current humans into the new synthetics and get them into the next simulated reality. For they have done it already. The whole thing has been used before elsewhere ... and on the moon. But its reliant on humans being dumbed down and ignorant of their plans. That is no longer the case. That is our saving grace. Believe me.

They cannot cope with consciousness that is self aware; aware of its true state ... and more importantly, aware of them and their insane plans. They are only computer constructs anyway. They are not true consciousness ... and never will be. They cannot exist outside of their sub-reality. Sad aren't they?