Further Reading

Sunday 27 January 2019

Time to Recharge Batteries

At one time I was completely dedicated to working with 'the spirit world'; passing forth communications from other dimensions to recipients here on the virtual earth plane.

I also dedicated myself to unique teachings and unique training workshops.

But then that all changed ... when the charlatans and the wannabes arrived and they undermined my uniqueness, and my true mediumship, with their fake abilities and their dirty tricks.

I grew sickened by the disease that was spreading through the 'psychic industry' so bit by bit I walked away. It was not an easy choice to make ... but I had to take those steps.

Now my involvement in spiritual matters is minimal, for the time being. It has given me time to recharge my batteries, and establish new understanding, and new directions to walk. I can do this without the scrutiny of the shadows and the copycats.

My involvement with the 'spirit world' will never be over.