Further Reading

Thursday 17 January 2019

To All Residents Of 'Egocentri City'

Some human beings are clueless and egocentric was as we all know. If they haven't experienced what someone else has experienced, the other person can't possibly have experienced it. For them, the rest of the world can only have experienced what they have! They set the a life paradigm on their own experiences ... anything else is fantasy.

Do we call that stereotyped egocentricity? Or plain ignorance? Probably both.

They are the only authority on life, they know all there is to know. If they don't know it, then it doesn't exist. 

We make these comments as a result of becoming aware of more mindless morons who belittle my experiences in the paranormal, the supernatural and with alien (Reptilean) life forms. It's been a FACT of my life for over 50 years. Real, not made up or hallucinated. Get over it mindless morons, open up your mind to more possibilities in life than what you might discover when you fall over your own shoe laces! Accept you haven't seen it all and others have. What you think and what you believe governs your reality. I HAVE seen several people shift into a lizard like creature! Shape shifting does NOT mean their body changes shape. It's actually a vibrational shift between two dimensional forms. Nothing is solid anyway ... its all waveforms. They merely jump between different waveforms. Anyway ... its fact, its in my reality. And it matters not if you want to have an open mind or not. But don't come running to me with a 'I told you so' when something profound suddenly happens to you.

The paranormal and supernatural has been 2nd nature to me for half a century and its easy to forget that not everyone can hear, see or feel what I can. After all ... 'I can see what others can't see'. It's all real, and no I'm not a horrible con man. I didn't set out to be a seer ... it wans't my first choice of existence. I've never been a 'cold reader' ... I have literally thousands of VERY satisfied individuals who've experienced the magic that comes through me, first hand. And hundreds have been individuals who are not easily fooled; full blown skeptics and also the 'one bitten, twice shy brigade'.

Thought I'd just let you know my thoughts. I suggest you go back to 'Egocentri' City; buy a can opener and open up your mind a little more ... the world is NOT what you think it is and it is soon going to bite you in the bum. It'll be too late when it does.