Further Reading

Saturday 12 January 2019

Welcome to the SMART World

Humans have been totally conned by a vicious and sadistic alien predatory consciousness. Naive men and women have blindly worshipped this 'being' in all its aspects. Satan (The Devil) and God are one and the same entity. It's needed mankind to assist in its achieving its end game. Being unable to be a physical manifestation in its simulated reality, it enabled its agenda by possessing and overshadowing willing volunteers to its cause.

Showering these unfortunate souls with 'wealth' and 'riches beyond their dreams' enabled these sad humans to create the network of deception that the Demiurge required. It enabled these humans to then 'develop' advanced technology, which again was required to necessitate its grand plan.

Foolish and sheep like humans then were sold the dream of technology and advanced technology; buying into the conveyor belt that had their damnation at the end of it. So blind have they been, and so addicted to the wonderful technology - now developing swiftly into a SMART world - that they have stopped to think where it is leading.

No doubt the naive sheep are warming to the idea of artificial intelligence in everything, without even questioning what this intelligence is. Finally, the Demiurge as its end game in sight. Its minions, The Archons, are able to access physical bodies that can house their awareness on planet earth.

Humans are at a point where they cannot escape the intended frequency web that will totally circumnavigate the earth. Once that horrific grid is activated, the lives they once know are over. The thoughts they had, are likely to be gone. The reality they see around them now, could well be changed. Not at first ... it will be a gradual progression. 

A progression to giving their minds and their bodies over to A.I. Biological Mankind will sadly be no more .... and trans-humanism will be the new reality.

Entering into an awareness that is a hive mind. The thoughts of the central computer will be their thoughts. They will have no thoughts of their own ... or a connection to anything beyond the grid frequency. All memories they had will be assimilated into the quantum computer. Effectively all they once knew, or remembered, will be taken from them. And the thoughts they are given will be ultimately controlled by the Demiurge.

Humans will become mind controlled drones in a computer world within a computer world. A simulation inside a simulation.

Sadly, this is not a fantasy that is written here. It is the frightening future we now all face. And the countdown to the 5G cloud or blanket is on. There is a race against time by those under the shadow of the Demiurge, to finish the task. For some reason unknown there is urgency and fear. But once those influenced by the hidden hand complete the task ... it will be welcome to a SMART world. Where everything and everyone who survives, will be under 5G control. Already tiny nanobits and smart dust are within the human forms.

When 5G is activated all around the world ... there is no escape. And all those nano particles will be activated inside the human form. It is unknown how humans will feel the activation at first. But there is likely to be a permanent amnesia at some point as the mind shifts from this reality to the new SMART reality. The truth is ... biological existence is about to be over for humankind.