Further Reading

Tuesday 26 February 2019

5G is Part Of A Continued Electromagnetic Attack On Mankind!

It's an out and out electromagnetic attack on the energetic species known as mankind, by psychopathic creatures that might look like human beings, but they clearly have no ounce of biological life in them. They are clearly organic algorithms that know only hatred for mankind.

There is a sense of repeating history here, that these creatures have always attacked biological species. They somehow draw infinite consciousness into their feeder worlds to enslave it; using it as an energy food stuff.

And, we the apparent inhabitants of this slave world, are the latest in a long line of captured awareness.

We get a sense that electromagnetic radiation has been used for aeons on this planet as the means to attack mankind. It's only in the last 80 years that its come to light; and has supposedly been developed as a technological advancement. It's always been a weapons system or used by military forces THEN passed on to gullible Joe Public as a 'wonderful user friendly technology'. Never has it ever really been this. There has always been a sinister agenda ... a classic totalitarian series of footsteps towards the complete surveillance seen in China, for the entire world. Which includes the 'Social Credits' system where those in negative credit have an electronic algorithm which means they are unable to rent houses or cars; travel on trains; buy food etc etc. They are locked out of life around them and confined to the smart room they live in.

We've immersed ourselves in studying 5G today and it doesn't make for cheery research! 5G will use pulsed millimeter waves to carry information. But most 5G studies are misleading because they do not pulse the waves. This is important because research on microwaves already tells us how pulsed waves have more profound biological effects on our body compared to non-pulsed waves. Previous studies, for instance, show how pulse rates of the frequencies led to gene toxicity and DNA strand breaks.

5th Generation technology is completely different to its predecessor 4G in that it uses military Millimeter waves (MMWs) which do not travel well through buildings and they tend to be absorbed by rain and plants. This interferes with the signal. Added to this, high frequency waves like MMWs also have much shorter wavelengths that can’t travel far.

To counter this problem 5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beamforming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities.

Current 4G cell towers have about a dozen or so antenna ports to support all communication, the new, smaller 5G cell towers (or bases) will be MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and carry about a hundred ports. These towers will probably be about 4 feet tall as opposed to the usual 90 feet towers currently erected around us. Cells will be available within a 100 meter range and these smart antennas will be able to differentiate between various mixed-up signals – like radio waves and WiFi signals – in the air and beam them back in an orderly fashion so to speak.

Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

DNA single and double strand breaks
oxidative damage
disruption of cell metabolism
increased blood brain barrier permeability
melatonin reduction
disruption to brain glucose metabolism
generation of stress proteins.

The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer.”

The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.

A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts.

An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz “millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeter waves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye.

A 2003 Chinese study has also found damage to the lens epithelial cells of rabbits after 8 hours of exposure to microwave radiation and a 2009 study conducted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan conclude that EMFs emitted by a mobile phone cause derangement of chicken embryo retinal differentiation.

A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs who’s skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias)

One of the features of 5G is that the MMW is particularly susceptible to being absorbed by plants and rain. Humans and animals alike consume plants as a food source. The effects MMW has on plants could leave us with food that’s not safe to consume.

Think GMOs on steroids. The water that falls from the sky onto these plants will also be irradiated. A 2010 study on aspen seedlings showed that the exposure to radio frequencies led to the leaves showing necrosis symptoms.

Since the year 2000, there have been reports of birds abandoning their nests as well as health issues like “plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship and death,” says researcher Alfonso Balmori. Bird species that are affected by these low levels, non-ionizing microwave radiation are the House Sparrows, Rock Doves, White Storks, Collared Doves and Magpies, among others.

But it’s not just the birds. The declining bee population is also said to be linked to this non-ionizing EMF radiation. It reduces the egg-laying abilities of the queen leading to a decline in colony strength.

A study conducted by Chennai’s Loyola College in 2012 concluded that out of 919 research studies carried out on birds, plants, bees and other animals and humans, 593 of them showed impacts from RF-EMF radiations. 5G will be adding to the effects of this electrosmog.

You can guarantee that the sick bastards who are selling out mankind to A.I invaders have thoroughly researched 5G technology, and its effects on mankind. They will most certainly know what its capable off. Have a look at The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency website for a list of the patents they have on the things 5G can do. And this is only what they will admit too.

Remember during the Iraq war 'the voice of god' that was put in the minds of the Iraqi soldiers to get them to surrender? That was 5G technology. Just think what they can do to our minds with this electromagnetic weaponry they have at their disposal.