Further Reading

Thursday 28 February 2019

A Crazy Notion

A crazy notion when I consider the human race has been here before. It's just an odd 'instinct' that I've always had coupled with strange phenomenon and occurrences that have happened to me my entire life.

From day one (My very early years, as far back as I can remember) I've had a strange notion that my thoughts and my actions are being observed.

Whenever I've done something 'silly' or acted 'funny' or 'light hearted' I've always felt embarrassed that whoever is listening in on me might not approve. Its been a very intense feeling for most of my life, and not imagined.

Examining it today in a different light, I sense a 'left over' thought process intentionally left active ... of a time when our thoughts were observed and our actions judged. It's overwhelming like we were once linked to a network or a hive mind where our every thought was recorded. See where I'm going with this?

For most of my life also, I've been aware of 'others' being around me. A strong sense of presence always in my life. In a room on my own, I sense (And sometimes see) a presence behind me. This is a current life thing and I can't determine if it is malevolent or benevolent. Plus there are the hundreds of times I've had the feeling of someone tapping me on my shoulder to get my attention. The direct thought conversations like my mind is linked to a communications network. My understanding of inner plane communications and the ability to carry them out. My discernment between real 'contacts' and 'planted' contacts. Though this is still up for inner debate at the moment.

The inexplicable things I've seen that are clearly external to this frequency and dimension.

I sense that I have retained some degree of memory/wisdom relating to what lies ahead. I can't say it's excitement I feel ... but once I overcome the doom and the gloom that fear generates, I feel quite calm. If it happens then it happens ...

But I also have the strange comprehension that our entry point into this existence is also our exit point. Because I was able to enter it and have interactions with other dimensions ... I comprehend I can still leave ... which means I don't get trapped in the 3rd DNA strand frequencies (I hope).