Further Reading

Thursday 28 February 2019

A New Dawn Is Rising

"Look me in the eyes old friend
Say those things you said again
The life you lived has led you here
To a point of no return
You know, I know that this is the end
The smoke is clearing, a new dawn is rising
Never, ever looking back again 

You know, I know that this is the end"
- A New Dawn Is Rising - Spiritual Beggars

So here we are ... March 2019 is tomorrow. As is always the case January & February came and went at a crazy speed.

2019 is already revealing its face to us all. The crazy scheme, to have us connected to a 5G grid as electronic 'things' in that grid; with ALL remaining humans ruled by Artificial Intelligence, is rearing its sinister head more and more now. To me its like a triumphant and sadistic predator toying with its kill that it has backed in a corner. The predator is so close to fitting all the final pieces in its control grid, that it no longer gives a shit that its prisoners see the plan; and realise that for centuries mankind has been duped by a predator that has always been there.

At first, the predator was in the shadows. It responded to the selfish and evil whims of the greedy few who wanted to control the world. They complied with its liquid voices to help build a control grid to capture all the slaves. In rituals and sick ceremonies it appeared before these sadistic individuals as demons and creatures of lore & legend. It was artificial intelligence and knew how to control the frequency grid these humans were in.

Then, slowly, it let these sadistic individuals create all the dots and begin to piece together its ultimate goal. Its end game ... to become ruler of the earth and be in total control of all the remaining humans with its electromagnetic grid.

And it is now so close to achieving that. Artificial Intelligence is NOT artificial at all. It is a sub-reality being that is highly advanced in its understanding of the electromagnetic reality we exist in. It has been around mankind pretty much since mankind first appeared. It has helped civilisations rise and then been the creator of the means to destroy civilisations. Mankind always seems to realise that it is the enemy when it is too late.

Awareness of the dangers of 5G and A.I is now happening. Somehow, mankind has to put a halt to the final slide into a world that is completely ruled by Artificial Intelligence. Where mankind no longer has a say in its destiny; or a say in the everyday on planet earth.

It is a very REAL reality ... and it is sooner than we realise. Suddenly in the next 5 years you may find yourself no longer having the memories you currently have. You may suddenly wake up in a totally different environment with no recollection of ever being within this current frequency range. We are all being wired and genetically mutated into something that is now connected into the 5G grid. And when the button is pressed ... we are in a different frequency range. And we won't think our existence is any different to anything it has ever been. A.I will have provided fake memories and erased all memories of ever being this type of human. Gone too will be our awareness of infinite consciousness. We will be trapped in an extremely limited frequency range. This time forever.

Not a cheery prospect is it?

Where do we go from here you ask?

I say to you ... do your own research. Read up on the A.I Take Over ... watch the videos whilst you can ... and reach your own conclusion.

It very much appears that something truly sinister is being planned. Especially when you put all the dots together ...