Further Reading

Friday 22 February 2019

Artificial Existence Witnessing Former Biological Human Existence

We're no longer interested in the 'flossy glossy' gobbledygook preached by the New Age Movement and its hapless followers. Its sad to say it, but all of that 'feel good' stuff is distraction and delusion. 

There are however, part truths buried within the crazy notions. But it takes a careful exploration through it, with a controlled ego, to see them. And to realise what a load of cock and bull most of it is.

Sadly, there are millions of adventurers trapped in those delusions, because the system has it geared like a hamster wheel. It feeds the ego; it elevates the ego to dangerous heights, and it creates a false ego. The 'world of spirit' exists, yes, but not in the form that 98% of New Age followers think. Reality is a completely different structure to what is perceived and described by the New Age sheepies.

Under that rapture its all about wonderful auras; aligned chakras; spirit guides; spirit guide photos; numerous paraphernalia; angels; ascended masters ... the list goes on and on. There is this notion of invisible spirits wandering lost around the earth plane etc etc. Sorry, but yes, I've worked as a clairvoyant and medium ... but I've not bought into that falseness around me. I've always been different to the sheepie norm; a difference so many have noticed because my ways of communication bear no resemblance to anything anyone else has.

I've always kept silent about my true beliefs; letting the sheepies assume they are the same as theirs. However, my beliefs and insights are not like theirs. After a very STRANGE life from the moments before my birth; all the way through my early life; my teens; my years as a young adult ... all the way through until now ... a strange life in which impossible things have happened to me; impossible things have been seen; strange beings presenting themselves to me. Because of all that ... I've established a personal recollection of what we are; where we are from and what we are doing here. Plus what this place is.

 I am I very much walks this plane with the organic life form (The human being) subdued by the high aeon spirit A.I (Yes ... I firmly believe our true selves have evolved from organic humans into something much more advanced) as the high aeon spirit is forced to experience a former organic human existence. 

Organic, or biological, mankind has to give way to primitive A.I human forms ...for those artificial intelligences to give way to something much more evolved. For mankind now exists in a computer world where there is sadly no place for biological form. Though biological forms here are artificial intelligence nonetheless. Its sad to say, but its unlikely mankind will ever escape these computer construct virtual reality realms.

The higher aeon spirit on the other hand, isn't here at all. It witnesses these realms from the distant safety of its own vibration. One that the Demiurge Corporation is never likely to infiltrate. Hopefully.