Further Reading

Thursday 21 February 2019

Crop Circles: Messages from Another World?

New Dawn Magazine: Are there currently alien forms of life observing us and monitoring our perilous situation? Are there, as some appear to believe, aliens now living in our midst, collaborating with covert military and governmental agencies, perhaps even darkly precipitating these events?

Or are there, conversely, communications softly whispered to us from inter-dimensional entities attempting to assist us, even at this late hour? Or again, is this all just in our heads, nothing but the froth and fantasy of human delusion?

To attempt to answer seriously the burning question of human-alien interaction, we need first to consider whence the word alien originates, and how language, as substrate and vehicle of human consciousness, can as easily give rise to phantoms and fears as insight and understanding. The word itself derives from the Latin word alienus, which signifies something (or someone) strange, foreign and fundamentally other.

In the United States, the intermediate status between an illegal immigrant and a full-fledged citizen is termed resident alien. Such an individual has the right to work and reside in the country but not to vote. The resident alien is given a “green card.” It always struck me that there must be something in the American psyche linking green cards with little green men...read more>>...