Further Reading

Saturday 23 February 2019

Eternal Bliss Beyond The Postage Stamp Mentality.

A personal core belief , and core emotion, is not to take this world too seriously. Within every experienced human emotion, even when they are extremely negative, is a dis-attached smile and an over-riding jocular attitude.

No matter what the human being is experiencing, there is a joy and laughter from the watching spirit. 

It leads to a strange duality of thinking on numerous occasions. But it also presents a way through the material plane and its maze of fears and negativity. Outside of the construct world, fears and contrasting emotions don't appear to exist. From whence the watching spirit comes is eternal bliss and eternal 'pleasure'. It may not exist in the highest of high infinite vibrations, but it most certainly exists on a vibration significantly higher than this mortal world.

It is the remedy to overcome the controlling frequencies of this strange copy world. It may not give the human being full immunity from the effects of the toxins and snaring frequencies, but it most certainly keeps the human being from being as 'the norm'; it keeps it outside of the 'postage stamp mentality' that the hidden hand demands of the human slaves.

From whence the spirit comes, it is not known to the human being; and that location is kept from the consciousness which the human brain processes. There is a malaise for the spirit is deliberate and cautious as to what it brings into the lower conscious states; when it assumes the steering wheel of the human being vehicle. 

And within the memory banks of the mind field, available to the human brain for processing, are the now scant memories of interactions with higher frequency beings; entities from other dimensions; and a whole host of other experiences that PROVE this is not the only existence and that human beings are not alone in this construct universe. There are memories of interactions with beings of extremely high frequencies.

And there is a basic lethargy towards what the forthcoming 5G cloud onslaught represents. There was initial fear ... but then the realisation that will demote the frequency of the human being into the frequency range of that vibrational prison. The higher spirit cannot permit that occurrence; for it needs its human vehicle to process frequencies that lie outside of that range. So the human being will be safe. For the human being is most certainly not like the 'postage stamp mentality' and the sheep it produces ...

It is not within the written blueprint for the human being, or the higher spirit, to experience enslavement in those artificial intelligence worlds....