Further Reading

Sunday 24 February 2019

How to De-clutter Your Thoughts and Emotions

Wake Up World: Everything starts with a thought, so let’s start by making space for some new ones. The mind is the root of all clutter. It has helped you create everything you see and live, the good the bad and the ugly.

Now let’s put it to work, to de-clutter your whole life, step-by-step, freeing you from unwanted and unneeded life-sucking energy and burdens.

First and foremost, you need to monitor your thoughts. What are you thinking? Look around. 

Your reality is a reflection of your inner terrain, both mentally and emotionally. Be mindful of your thoughts. Be observant of how you respond to situations and your own beliefs. You can only hold one thought at the time, so remember that a negative, or non-serving thought is occupying the space of a serving one....read more>>>...