Further Reading

Saturday 23 February 2019

How To Overcome The Forthcoming 5G Frequency Prison

Human beings rely on their biological brain to process the frequency ranges that are available to it at any one time. These frequency ranges rely on the vibrational rate of the consciousness and perceptions that the human being is subject to. So much of this relies on what the human being is thinking, and what the human being is perceiving.

This is a known fact to 'the deep state' or the 'hidden hand'. Through media saturation; fake news; brainwashing processes like education and religion; these thoughts and perceptions have been traditionally limited to 'a postage stamp awareness' ...

The onset of 5G is a hidden hand attempt to put mankind's frequency range and vibrational rate into a range that will be essentially artificial intelligence. Once in that frequency range mankind's thinking will cease as they will be told what to think by A.I controllers. Effectively human brains will process machine consciousness without the ability to expand its consciousness outside of that frequency range prison.

It sounds a daunting prospect to overcome this forthcoming thought prison circa 2025. However, for those of you who have expanded awareness; who let their consciousness soar into the realms of all possibility; who have open minds ... you stand a good chance of being able to stave off many of the effects of the 5G cloud. For if your consciousness frequency range exists outside of the 5G frequency range ... you can basically overcome the A.I impulses that will be present in that cloud. Your D.N.A may still receive and process those A.I direct thought transmissions, but you are likely not to act on them, as you will be able to think for yourself and know that its the 5G prison calling you.

For those of you who are locked into the postage stamp awareness, and believe everything the media says; and are obsessed with technology; and have gone from the hand held technology to that worn on the wrist ... you are likely to follow the trend towards having technology inside you and permit your brain to be attached to the 5G cloud in a naive belief you will become superhuman. Once lined to the 5G cloud in that way ... you're own ways of thinking will be lost forever; as you will only think what you are told to think by the A.I controllers.

The choice is always yours to make; the hidden hand cannot force your hand; for some reason it has to be freewill that drives these things. Its simple don't let freewill force you inside the 5G frequency prison ... let your consciousness soar and you may find yourself with limited tampering via 5G.