Further Reading

Monday 4 February 2019

Synthetic Shock – From Dirty Electricity to 5G

Waking Times: We are by nature electric; but the man-made ‘synthetic’ variety, that apes nature’s version, is not helping us to live a full and healthy life, but is rather stultifying that condition.

In fact Edison, Tesla et al. were not really doing the world a favour when they invented and put to use ‘synthetic electricity’ on this planet.

It is not that they didn’t mean well, no doubt they did, but the revolution that electric light first brought about, also took man a further step away from his origins as ‘a being of nature’.

In a medical hypothesis by Samuel Milham of Washington State Department of Health (2009) entitled, “Historical evidence that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic of diseases of civilisation.” Milham reveals that once Thomas Edison began electrifying New York City in 1880, the onward march of electrification correlated with sharp rises in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, suicide and cancer.

Whereas on farms and countryside areas which lagged a long way behind urban areas in acquiring electrification, incidences of such disease were barely ever seen. It was not until the 1950’s that the majority of US farms got hooked-up onto electrical power.

Somehow this information which has been known about for decades, never got into the public domain. Milham states, “It seems unbelievable that mortality differences of this magnitude could go unexplained for over 70 years after they were first reported – and 40 years after they were first noticed.”

So, long before WiFi, cell phones, cordless phones and tablets hit the scene, thousands were already dying from sicknesses brought-on by living tight-up against electromagnetic currents. To be more precise, power frequency magnetic fields typically of 60 Hz output. Later on, the introduction of fluorescent light bulbs, halogen lamps, wireless routers and dimmer switches added significantly to the ‘dirty electricity’ already prevalent.

I am communicating this evidence in order to focus our minds on the background to the explosion of microwaved EMF ‘dirty electricity’ which first arrived on the scene around 30 years ago and which has grown exponentially ever since. To a point where some 2 billion people carry a mobile phone or similar device.

What all this appears to tell us is that ‘advanced’ technology and ‘un-advanced man’ present a very dangerous equation. Almost all forms of what are sometimes referred to as ‘sophisticated technologies’ have caused havoc in the hands of a population with an undeveloped appreciation of what such man-made energetic devices actually do – to man, to nature and to the biosphere...read more>>>...