Further Reading

Monday 25 February 2019

Tick – Tock

Waking Times: Our thoughts are alive – they are energetic charges – nurturing or poisonous it doesn’t matter to the matrix. The seeds of whatever intent get planted in our electro-magnetic mind garden – the unseen part of our reality… and they bear fruit according to their resonance.

Many wise people have stated through the ages that what you sow – you reap. This is the Cosmic Law of Return – of Causation and Effect… what you put out physically, mentally and spiritually comes right back through the mirror. Bad luck is a thought-form of our own creation – there is no such thing as chance – and lady luck favours anyone with a strong focus and intent.

The tick-tock of life and death is a fundamental on every level of life in this dimension… nothing physical lives for ever…. only the primal force that holds everything together is infinite, eternal and cannot be destroyed. The Cosmic on and off switch of Duality is in constant swing between the polarities of happy and sad. Everything can be good in our lives and then suddenly, we are unexpectedly confronted with tragedy and loss. In an instant everything changes…there is no going back. Our lives are turned upside down on every level, and we are faced with emotional trauma: denial, shock, disbelief, rage, loneliness and sorrow....read more>>>...