Further Reading

Wednesday 20 February 2019

What Lies Beyond These Construct Realms?

We're on the verge of a huge cliff face. Like 'The Fool' in the tarot, we appear to have no choice but take the blind leap of faith ... but into what?

We are prisoners on a prison world. Our physical bodies are owned by an unknown corporation. All of mankind, even those we call The Elite, are imprisoned in 'hell'. The minority really thinks it can take over the world. That minority really think those beings they do deals with, are going to grant them all the riches promised, when mankind crosses this unknown threshold.

The 'world of man' is a place of multiple distractions; crazy contradictions; truth hidden within lies; confusion and contrasts. It is an impossibility to know what it truly going on; what mankind is and where mankind comes from. It cannot be done for this is not the real world. What is seen around mankind is a copy world; a copy reality. We've stated this so many times before. It's not the original copy so its impossible to discern what is reality.

Reality is not this hellhole construct world we appear to be on. 

This is effectively a sub-reality; a reality within the reality that we once existed on; it's not the place where the seat of our spiritual consciousness resides. That is a dimension much higher than any of these realities within realites. We suspect the doorway to the next sub-reality has been opened. We are aware our assumption could be wrong; but it makes sense when you look at what the Hadron Collider appears to be doing. But is it doing what they say it is? It makes sense that it is actually ripping open this dimension into another sub-reality? And perhaps that's the one the Anunnaki want us to be moved into?

We say the Anunnaki as its logical that Enlil is behind this latest attempt to silence the unruly slaves. Enlil may well be the administrator, which in ancient tongue is something like Satan. He may well have devised these computer simulations to appear like the earth we are from. An advanced process has created human forms and creates the recycling we call reincarnation. Somehow enticing our spiritual consciousness to attach to this world is another technique in his repertoire.

But whatever has been done ... this realm isn't real. And we are on the precipice between the end of biological man and the creation of transhuman man. And it seems inevitable. But maybe, just maybe, where we really exist is a transhuman existence. Maybe we are hear experiencing biological man as some kind of entertainment? What if our true consciousness is an advanced artificial intelligence? And all we've existed in is advanced quantum computers? What if we have never been beyond the computer realms ourselves?

This reasoning makes sense. So does the thought of 'The Transparent Ones' being in control of the Demiurge Corporation and a whole lot more besides ... ???