Further Reading

Friday 1 March 2019

1st Post of March 2019

This is the 1st March 2019. It is the 1st post for March 2019, and I guess I should share with you where my conscious mind and thought processes are being led.

We are told we are in a holographic reality. That the sum total of all are individual parts is the human over soul - or the one original being. We are told we are all within the same frequency range, but each have unique frequency signals, that make us the separate human souls that we are.

Now, I don't profess to being an eminent scientist or a quantum physicist or a university professor. But what I am is someone who has been intimately aware of frequency and frequency ranges; of the unique frequencies that each of us have, and how much a reality it is to be able to shift between those frequencies and take on board the physical aspects of other human beings. Not only that, to actually experience what that person is feeling, or has felt. So I know that the frequency signal 'thereom' is fact.

I've also come to the conclusion that being part of a holographic reality, we get all the other aspects of human kind within our consciousness; but because we are only locked into our own frequency we are only aware of ourselves. When we begin to wander from that personal frequency, what we call psychic ability or empathy occurs.

Now deliberate wandering from our own frequency band occurs we pick up on other human beings. A deliberate and focused tuning in of the human frequency band wavelength means we can pick up on the consciousness of other human beings. What if we begin to tune into those of the elite, or the research scientist? They are still humans after all. Despite their orientation towards greed and sinister intent. What if we can extract from their consciousness snippets of information regarding the forthcoming shit that lies ahead?

I believe it is more than possible. In fact I know it can be done.

Another thought, we are part of a pre-existing electromagnetic grid that keeps us locked in to the current frequencies. Why change to a new one entirely? Why not upgrade the existing one? Unless of course it is not fit for purpose any more. They are planning to switch on a new grid with frequencies WITHIN the current ones. Why? Is there a problem with the current frequency range? Are they trying to make a more 'Fort Knox' grid that cannot be breached or has no back doors? Every computer system has a back door, supposedly.

What if there are people already on earth with genetically modified DNA awaiting the new grid? Who are in some way immune to the forthcoming frequency lock down? What if they are the loopholes or the portals ? What if they are still able to remain connected to the outside frequencies? It must have happened last time round for them to change the tilt of the frequency grid. Remember ... Predator Intelligence (Our rename of Artificial Intelligence) has always been around. It has always tampered with human existence in these fractal worlds. Within this quantum computer environment.

Therefore, I don't think the grid is as far advanced as they say. REMEMBER, they are still influencing what is going out into the internet ... and WANT us to believe its all imminent. That it's all hunky dory. They wouldn't broadcast the fact that its gone to feces custard. Those articles reporting issues with Microsoft and Google A.I going awol have been played down as nothing more than English Grammar issues. That's the official story.

No, I firmly believe there is quite a bit of kidology taking place so human kind will be fearful. I don't think its going to happen as quick as they would like. For starters, there is now too much public arena awareness. Stuff has been leaked from somewhere.

I will continue to muse on these thoughts and others. I'm still a little perplexed with some external interference in my life that has been taking place over the last 24 hours in response to the direct thought questions I've been asking. I'll tell you more on that later. Bye for now.