Further Reading

Saturday 2 March 2019

A Predator Intelligence Stalking Its Prey?

Here is a simple fact ... everything they have told you about this reality is a lie. The nature of the human race; the history of the human race; the nature and composition of the universe; our belief systems; our religions ... 

It's all been contrived to get us to this point in existence. They have conspired to render us helpless; like a ship in the ocean without a rudder.

But ... ask yourself this? Why haven't they gone in for 'the kill' or 'the sting' before now? How come they didn't just spring everything on us in one go? They've had the technology for decades. Why have they had to systematically unravel our society, but by bit, like they have done? And there is still quite a way to go, using this slow but steady method ... before they can close the prison door forever.

Any predator stalks its prey; taunts its prey and backs its prey into a corner before it kills its prey. But, that is not the reason here. There is something we are missing. Ask yourself why they undertake the 'problem-reaction-solution' scenario when they are apparently THAT POWERFUL individuals? Chosen and selected bloodlines; ancient hybrid lines apparently ... plotting this grand plan of theirs, this New World Order, for generations.

Are they really not that powerful? Is that it?

There is clearly something else in play that we are not privy too. Don't you think? You'd think they'd first pacify us with the toxins in foods, water etc ... and render us helpless then just imprison us ... advancing the technology at whatever speed they want ... because we are not going to oppose them when lobotomised and totally fooled are we>

Why the chemtrails with Barium and Aluminium salts tinged with nanotechnology and DNA matter from embryos? Why the nanodust and the surveillance technology? Why the cover ups and denials? Why the dodgy vaccinations? Why the decades of Sodium Fluoride and Aspartame; and god knows what else?

Why the fake histories and the dissolution of the four genetic types (white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid) into a slave race with the approach of transgenderism? Why the fake news and the censorship on the internet? Why the internet even? Why any of it?

Why not go for the jugular from day one ... out in the open instead of the fearful and hidden way they're enslaving us?

What is the mechanism that is preventing them ... and forcing them to do it the long shortcut way? Now that we, the goyim, are becoming more and more aware of their actions ... was that part of their plan? Is it just because it is a predator consciousness after all and its stalking its prey prior to the kill? Maybe it is ...

But, we have a chance to win this forthcoming conflict. The conflict that ALL of mankind will need to face. We need to step back from all the distractions. All the face offs between the separated parts of ourselves. We all need to realise we are being played off each other by something that possibly isn't human. Something that will not save a single human being at the end of all this. Something that absolutely loathes biological and sentient life forms.

Something we suspect is a non-biological consciousness ... we all need to realise what our arch enemy is ... it is electronic in its nature. It is an electronic awareness and therefore programmed. But programmed by who?

Somehow we as an entire species have to lose the malaise, shake the programmed thoughts and wake up to ourselves before it is too late ... remember the UN Mandate is 2030 for the prison door closing. We think it is a lot sooner than this ... the agenda has been speeded up. It may be as soon as 2025 ... we need to awaken and fast.